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Paper Submission Guide

A double-blind reviewing process is followed in the VIAJ PUBLICATION PROCEDURE. Authors are advised to ensure they have considered the following before submitting a paper in order to avoid any unneccessary delays in their publication process:

  1. The submitted manuscript is the author's original work that has not been published previously and that has not been submitted to be published elsewhere.

  2. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders of any material (like tables, photos, and figures) that they may wish to reprint in their papers.

  3. Authors follow or copy and paste their paper in VIAJ PAPER TEMPLATE before submitting their final draft.

  4. The manuscript is prepared in MS-Word format.

  5. The first page includes the title, author name(s), affiliations and email addresses as well as the corresponding author's name and mailing address.

  6. The second page starts with the title of the paper followed by a 150-word abstract and 8-10 keywords.

  7. The article keeps to the word limit (regular papers 3,000-8,000 words, reviews 2,000-4,000 words, short communications 800-2,000 words).

  8. The font is Times New Roman size 12 throughout the paper.

  9. Line spacing is single throughout the paper.

  10. The heading (1.0), subheading (1.1), subheadings (1.1.1), tables (Table 1,...) and figures (Figure 1,...) are all numbered.

  11. The paper follows an APA style for in-text citations and the list of references available on:

  12. The paper is emailed to

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